III Encontro Transfopress
3rd Transfopress Conference
Periodicals -
Cultural Diversity
and Integration
5-6 November 2015
Department of Communication Science
University of Málaga, Spain
The organization of the 3rd Conference of the international network Transfopress by the University of Malaga on the topic of cultural diversity and integration represents a new stage in the process of internationalization of the Communication Science Department and a major academic and scientific milestone for worldwide specialists of the media. After the 2014 São Paulo (Brazil) conference, the Malaga (Spain) meeting will be the second organized outside France, the birthplace of the network.
In this framework, the reflection on cultural diversity and integration pertains to the very nature of foreign-language periodicals which are a point of encounter between different cultures, sponsored by linguistic communities residing outside their countries of origin. On 5 May 2014, the General Assembly of the United Nations organized a conference on “culture and sustainable development – Post-2015 development programme”, in which strategies to adopt in the field of culture, cultural heritage, tourism and communication were evoked as components of a policy of sustainable development. In such a context, the study of periodicals published by foreigners – be they expatriates or economic migrants – is essential to our understanding of the processes of construction of territories which may favor the development of inclusive societies.
Taking into account both the UNESCO universal Declaration on cultural diversity (2001) and the new strategies of management of the diverse manifestations of world cultures discussed by the United Nations (2014), the 3rd Transfopress Conference organized in 2015 intends to contribute, through academic research, to a better understanding of the cultural and media environments in which encounters between different cultures and processes of cultural hybridization may occur.
The durable settlement of foreign communities in various regions has led to the emergence of periodicals in the languages of these communities which operate as tools of integration or cohesion of the group. This phenomenon is not new and this gives it a diachronic dimension which justifies the central place given to historical approaches. But its contemporary development also calls for different approaches belonging to communication science, sociology, political science, economics, linguistics and/or cultural studies.
The complexity of this major phenomenon, in a context of technological development which causes constant modifications of older forms of communication, as well as its importance for our understanding of the mechanisms of identity construction in the current process of globalization, will be essential questions discussed during the 3rdConference of the Transfopress Network.
Organising Committee
Laura López Romero
Juan Antonio García Galindo
Genoveva Novas Martín
Antonio Cuartero Naranjo
Scientific Committee
Diana Cooper-Richet (Université de Versailles St-Quentin-Ives-En-Yvelines)
Gérardile Poels (Université de Versailles St-Quentin-Ives-En-Yvelines)
Josep Lluís Gómez Mompart (Universidad de Valencia)
Alberto Pena (Universidad de Vigo)
Emilio Ortega Arjonilla (Universidad de Málaga)
Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink (Universität des Saarlandes - Alemania)
Valéria dos Santos Guimarães (Universidade Estadual Paulista - Brasil)
Conference languages
Spanish, English, French
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Contacts for brazilians researchers